Elderly Care Home

Elderly Care Home

Tourism Sector Elderly Care Home   Project aim: To provide a number of services and care for elderly such as male, care, hygiene, organizing periodical journeys, different entertaining means, and social workers to help them for better life. Project description:...
International Zoo

International Zoo

TOURISM SECTOR International Zoo Project description   To start an entertaining, tourist and scientific project. Project components Big zoo that contains different types of animals, sea creatures, and domestic birds which are imported from abroad. It provides a good...


TOURISM SECTOR ​Chalets Project aim To start a tourist resort that consists of luxurious chalets. They are rented to provide entertainment and relaxation. Project description It is one of the most beneficial and successful projects to create a tourist and attractive...
Cable Car

Cable Car

TOURISM SECTOR Cable Car Project aim To activate the tourist and entertaining investment and diversify investment in this sector. Project description An entertaining and tourist means and a means of transport in addition to see the natural views. Project components It...
Rest Area On highways

Rest Area On highways

TOURISM SECTOR Rest Area On highways Project aim To provide places for rest, prayer and food where no services are provided. Project description It is a tourist, entertaining and service project in the country established in 700m2 and a parking lot can be added....